viernes, 26 de abril de 2013


Yesterday I was Surfing on the net when I found a new blog. Combat-models. about a new brand of model scale in resin, I guess.

This model is scale 28 mm, a PT-76 Amphius Soviet Tank Whose was present in a lot of wars around the world (Chechnya, Arab-Israeli War, Vietnam)


I hope this brand go ahead and make more resin models. By now, I will buy one of them for my NVA Army, and play with it in Charlie Don't Surf scenario.

Charlie Don't Surf It's a platoon scale rulebook of  Lardies Universe. You have to play with card System activations, but It's really funny. If you want more informacion(scenario, AAR) you would check this blog  make by a wargamer mate anibal invictus.

1 comentario:

  1. Good review of metal and resin PT-76 (1:55) for 28mm wargames; for all Cold War! and Vietnam, of course...
