lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013


The reality is that I have not much to tell, I used techniques are commonly used worldwide. It’s more or less steps that my first article M5 Stuart Light Tank

The base coat is XF-49 Tamiya acrylic paint Khaki. I made three highlinghts with airbrush, mixing XF-49 Khaki with XF-59 Desert Yellow, to last highlight  I added a little white XF-2.  This time I didn’t apply any shadows because then washed with oil called low tone.  I not used the technique of modulation, Lights does not seem real. I simply applied highlight from a single point of light. 

Oil washes is a relatively simple technique and produces a spectacular results. The big problem is the smell of the thinner, whether you use turpentine or white spirit smell you leave in your home is penetrating for long time. The profiling always do at this stage, I leave a small layer of turpentine on the surface of the tank i put a some black oil in the slots, and you can remove the excess with brush.  
 As an alternative for oils exist a washed ready to use, for more information look at Heresy blog, which has a really good tutorial.

Before I begin the chipping I always do a thin layer of dry brush, just a little to highlight some edge, screw, rivet, etc etc. When do the chipping I followed the master's teachings Heresy, again looking at your blog because it has a very good tutorial.

Use two types of pigments to simulate wet mud and dried mud, both of the them I have once again dissolved in turpentine (white spirit). To apply it wet mud directly from the brush, putting emphasis on the wheels and caterpillars. To use another technique dried mud, wet your brush in turpentine + pigment mixture and fold him into the area to get dirty, but not touching the tank. And then with the airbrush (only air) giving you small pulses of air. This ensures that our Mud splashes fly off and create truly compelling. An alternative technique is to do it with a toothbrush and finger.


Base Coat: XF49 – Caqui Tamiya
Highlight: XF59 Desert Yellow + XF49 – Khaki Tamiya
Final Highlight: XF59 Desert Yellow + XF49 - Khaki Tamiya + XF2 White Tamiya

Wheels – Black (Vallejo 950)
Tools, Boxes – Earth Brown (Vallejo 983)
Canvas – Khaki Brown (Vallejo 988)

Titan Extrafine oil:
 Nº78 Burnt umber.
Nº84 Lamp Black.
Nº73 Olive green.
Nº20 Cadmium Red Light.
Nº88 Yellow Ochre.


Dark Streaking Grime AK024
Flat Brown (Vallejo 984)+ Black (Vallejo 950)

Pigment European earth AK042
Pigment Dark Earth AK81

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013


Relax painting in the morning.

Last week I began my holidays with a quick travel to Leon(where Live most of my father's Family). After this One-day journey, we went, My girlfriend and I, to a house in the middle of montains. I have spent six wonderful days walking between trees, reading, watching movies and the most importan, Painting!!!

I have a lot of painting job in 28 mm and 15 mm. On 21th of August will be published new wargames of universe of Lardies. Chain of Command. I'm Preparing a WWII British army, with  twelve AFV and almost one hundred figures. 

Also I Return to play Flames of War that I Hadn't played for a year and a half. Relatively close to my home i found a shop where has been created a interesting Flames community.

Tamiya 1/48 Crowell tank

Some German transport and rubble houses.

British Army